Sunday, October 24, 2004

No Blood for Cotton - Stop Lincoln's War

Dammit, the residents of a state ought to have the right to secede if they want. The more power is centralised, the more potential there is for totalitarianism. What does a guy have to do to get some democracy around here? Just been reading Gore Vidal on how much of the U.S. Constitution was supended by Lincoln under special 'war powers' legislation, beginning the rot of the Republic. Since the emancipation of the slaves was an unintended consequence of hostilities, I now endorse the slogan at the head of this post, which I coined in Neo-COnservative jest last year.

Dammit, I don't want world government. World government is the unpaltable but undeniable alternative to Mutually Assured Destruction, Mark Two. The Pax Americana is the only game in town, and while I do count myself lucky we are not looking at the Pax Sinica or Pax Ruritanica, I would much rather live in Happy Fun WorldTM. But nobody can even agree on what Happy Fun WorldTM would look like, let alone how to get there.

More disconcerting discoveries:

*Vidal calls the 'New York Times' 'neofascist'. I am used to it being derided as the flagship of the liberal media conspiracy, so this is refreshing. It pleases me nearly as much as the claim I read years ago that Nixon was a communist stooge.

*'Derrick', as in 'Derrick the Dragonslayer' actually is a real name. I saw a Lieutenant Derrick Something-or-Other being interviewed at a school in Kirkuk on CNN the other night.

*The last discovery is too disconcerting to go into right now, and what I really want to talk about is Koestler's fallacy number six. I keep changing my mind what it is I am going to say, is all...


Dave said...

I don't want world government, either, I guess. I just want everyone to be nice to one another (see reference to Happy Fun World...)

So is Lieutenant Derrick Something-or-Other's lucky direction 'East'? Whatever, the thought of DTDS in a command position makes me shudder somewhat.

By the way, I give up - what's Pax Sinica a reference to?

Dr Clam said...

Well, he was a long way east of home, I guess :)

'Sinica' is the latin adjective for that really big, rapidly industrialising, country that immediately springs to mind whenever anyone says 'third trimester abortion'...