Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Happy Days on the Tapajos

The dice have spoken: 56 degrees 2 minutes West, 4 degrees 11 minutes South, in the heart of Amazonia. 1456 BCE. I can see some research will be in order...


Marco Parigi said...

Sounds like a great place/time. Any chance for a brief rundown on the results of your research (other than your forthcoming novel) ?

Dave said...

Always a good time for an alien spaceship to crash, only to be discovered by a modern-day expedition.

Oh - you're *not* writing a Doctor Who novel? Then I got nuthin'.

Dr Clam said...

D'oh! Once again, Dave has read me like a book... I gotta try to be less predictable...

Dave said...

As far as I know from my reading, alien crash-landings and lost tribes with advanced medical knowledge are the only things of significance that have ever happened in the amazon. I am, perhaps, not the best authority on the subject...