Saturday, June 14, 2014

Next Queen's Birthday Long Weekend Post, somewhat delayed, again

I have to write something. I cannot sit back and not write anything. Maybe there are Churchills and De Gaulles out there on the backbenches of various parliaments in the Western 'Democracies'. I hope so. The navel-gazing short-sighted incompetence of their leaders makes me despair. I can only console myself by thinking that is was ever thus. But it is not about me. It is of no consequence whether I am consoled or not.

Dear Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran:

To put it very mildly, we have not always seen eye-to-eye. Among other things I hold you primarily responsible for destabilising the fragile government of post-2003 Iraq and hence for the majority of the bloodshed there in the years 2004-2008. But now I wish you the very best of luck there. Go in hard. Go in fast. Trust in God. Put a million men on the ground, put in your own puppet government, occupy the entire country. Being ruled by you is much better than ISIS by any measure. For women, for religious minorities, for science, for art, for infrastructure that works, for civil institutions that work. Take Iraq, please. Please, keep going and root ISIS out of Syria. Make your ophthalmologist dictator secure. If you must, bring the Lebanon back under your wing. Needless to say, there are far better outcomes for this part of the world in the eyes of someone like me. But there are no better outcomes for this part of the world that are even remotely plausible, because the leaders of the Western 'Democracies' are fundamentally unserious navel-gazing short-sighted incompetent weasels.
I repeat: I wish you the very best of luck. I am barracking for your brave men in uniform all the way. May God bring you victory.

Yours Sincerely,

                      Dr Clam

Dear Leaders of the Western Democracies:

You are fundamentally unserious navel-gazing short-sighted incompetent weasels. How did that song go again? That's right. You'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone.

Yours Sincerely,

                     Dr Clam

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