Monday, November 15, 2004

An Embarassment of Riches

On two facing pages of the newspaper the other day, I saw no less than three items that I immediately felt like responding to. Doubtless part of this was NaNoWriMo induced procrastination, but they were all full of good stuff.
Fortunately, I have lost the actual newspaper, so I won't be able to transcribe all three items in full, and comment on every nuance. So I won't lose quite as much novel-writing time as I might be tempted to. Unless I ramble on and on.
Which I seem to be doing.

Part of the problem actually is that my main characters are trapped somewhere with no way to get out, and I know what they will do when they get out, but I have no idea how they are going to get out. Hmm, I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to skip ahead and take up the fire-hose of prose once they have escaped, and fill the gaps in at my leisure once I have written a good slab of text. Dammit, I oughta go do that now...

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